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Transition of Business Performance

With a moto of “Becoming a Trusted and Beloved Company That Provides Our Utmost Service to Many Customers,” we have made efforts to expand our earnings, such as the enhancement of our “strategic stock” with the aim of fulfilling our responsibility for supplying products as a specialized trading company, aggressive offering activity for solving problems of our customers, and expansion of the sales of “Quick Clamper,” our original product intended mainly for automobile-related businesses.

As a result of the above, our sales in fiscal 2023 were 14,661.088 million yen (down from 14,762.779 million yen in the same term a year earlier), our operating profit was 203.303 million yen (up from 185.884 million yen in the same term a year earlier) due to a reduction of sales cost, and our ordinary profit was 228.861 million yen (up from 214.805 million yen in the same term a year earlier).

For fiscal 2024, we will strengthen our earning capacity by making efforts such as the conduct of community-based sales activity, creation of new demand, expansion of our business in growing markets, and further expansion of the sales of our original product “Quick Clamper” through the enhancement of collaboration with TPS member companies, in addition to strengthening our capacity for supplying products to our customers in order to carry out our responsibility for supplying products to our customers.

Furthermore, we will not only strive to streamline our business through DX as our digital strategy, but also to provide a new service aimed at increasing convenience to our customers.

In terms of personnel affairs, we will seek to improve the working environment so that our employees can work free from anxiety for many years, and develop human resources who will be responsible for the next generation.

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